
Hello my friend. Yes, that’s me in the picture, hiking at Grand Tetons National Park. God has graciously allowed me to travel to a great many places in this beautiful land. 

But this blog is not about me. My aim is not to spout my opinions. Social media has duped us into thinking that people care about what we’re thinking, or eating, or planning. I don’t buy into that. 

So why am I writing? I write because I want you to discover things that I have discovered. God hides things for us to find. There is joy in the discovery of these treasures, both for the One who hides them, and the one who discovers them. But more than the treasures found, there is a shared delight in the relational bond that grows in the hide-and-seek adventure. 

My background, my education and vocation, my likes and dislikes—all this matters little. It obscures the invitations. And the invitations are everything. 

The invitations are not from me, my friend. They are from God himself, who smiles on you even now. Pick any post in this blog. Between the lines of what I write, listen for his voice inviting you to come closer and discover. I pray you will find joy as I have.
