
Thoughts and revelations on specific scriptures.

  • Scripture,  Stories

    The Baseball Glove

    It was Christmas morning. And there under the tree were two presents, neatly wrapped. Twin boys came running into the room, excited to discover what secrets would be unveiled for them under the tree.  Their Father watched as his sons tore into the packages, paper and ribbon flying everywhere. One…

  • Scripture

    Psalm 1 – Imagery and Invitation

    As I read through Psalm 1, I notice that the imagery in it is pervasive. It talks of walking and sitting, a tree with fruit beside a stream, and dust blowing in the wind. God is saying something here, but he’s using allegory and image. Why doesn’t he just come out…

  • Scripture

    What’s in the box?

    I’ve watched many a person unwrap a Christmas present. Sometimes they look inside the box and declare to those watching, “Oh look, it’s a so-and-so!” They hold up the box for all to see, and then put it atop their growing pile of gifts. I’ve seen other people open their…

  • Scripture,  Stories

    Finding God in the House

    I was pondering a quote I heard in a recent sermon. Its idea was new to me, and I wanted to get Holy Spirit’s input. Closing my eyes, I turned the idea over in my mind and listened for what he might say. An image of a large house began…