
I asked God for direction but he didn’t answer

Sometimes I ask God for direction and he doesn’t seem to respond. But of course. I want him to tell me or point his finger at the answer. I can then get on my way and be about my business. 

Perhaps I think this way because I believe that encounters with God should be like brief exchanges. Sort of like texting. I text him a question. He texts me back. Simple, right?

But it seems to play out differently. I text God’s phone, eyes focused on my phone waiting for a reply. I hear someone say, “hello” and look up. There he is. 

“Got your message” he says. 

“Great!” I let out a sigh of relief. I was wondering if my texts were getting through. “So… what’s the answer?” 

He smiles, then says, “I can’t wait to show you. Follow me,” turning as if to go.

“But wait! It’s a simple yes-or-no answer. Can’t you just—ah, where are we going exactly?” I ask.

“Ah, another question!” he says with a smile, “and a better one than the first! Come. You’ll see.” 

I get a little frustrated sometimes because I really just want to know the answer. I want information from him so I can make an informed decision. And having just said that, I see my mistake. 

Thinking this way reveals my heart, and my belief that his heart is like mine. I think that life is about doing things. I have things to do, and God has things for me to do, and he’s there to help me get them done. I have questions about these things, and he has answers. It’s a good working relationship, right?

But in this I’ve missed his heart completely. He wants to participate in my answers. Indeed, he wants to participate in my questions. He wants to be involved from the beginning to the end, not as a source of information, but as an intimate.

God’s silence is my invitation to come closer. He doesn’t want to send me on my way. He wants to participate in my way.

He turns around and looks at me as I ponder all this. Smiling at me again he says, “Come on. Let’s talk about your situation.” I know this will involve more than just the answer to my question. I can tell by the twinkle in his eye.