• Stories

    The Lion and the Pit

    I awoke to find myself in a pit. It was deep. The top lip was about an arms length above my hand, if I reached upward. I could possibly climb out with some effort, but it would mean I’d have to turn my back to the lion.  Yes. There was a lion in the pit. He looked hungry, and watched…

  • Declaring the scriptures

    Declarations – Ephesians 1

    What if I declared the scriptures as if they were true and applied directly to me? They do apply to me, yes? Then I can declare them as so. When I speak them aloud, they seem impossible. My soul protests–no, this is not how I really am, or how things really are. And yet, God says they are. By declaring…

  • Hearing the scriptures

    Letters from Dad – Ephesians 1

    What if Father wrote Ephesians 1 to me? I like to take a passage of scripture and personalize it, as if Dad is speaking it directly to me. Reading it aloud becomes an amazing experience. My ears hear my own voice, but my heart hears his. I chose Paul to be an apostle of Jesus, my son. 2 I have…

  • Scripture,  Stories

    Finding God in the House

    I was pondering a quote I heard in a recent sermon. Its idea was new to me, and I wanted to get Holy Spirit’s input. Closing my eyes, I turned the idea over in my mind and listened for what he might say. An image of a large house began to take shape in my mind, and I was invited…

  • Stories

    Jesus led me to a door

    arch architecture art blue

    Jesus led me to a door. Then stepping to one side, he smiled at me. His eyes looked at me, then to the door, then back to me. I knew what we wanted. “What’s behind the door?” I asked. His smile got bigger. “Things beyond your imagination,” he said with a sparkle in his eye.  I approached the door with…