Scripture,  Stories

The Baseball Glove

It was Christmas morning. And there under the tree were two presents, neatly wrapped. Twin boys came running into the room, excited to discover what secrets would be unveiled for them under the tree. 

Their Father watched as his sons tore into the packages, paper and ribbon flying everywhere. One of the boys got his present opened first, and revealed for all to see with an excited exclamation—a new baseball glove! He put it on and pounded his fist into it with an eager anticipation. Then all of a sudden he ran to the front door, grabbed his baseball cap from the coat rack, and yelling a “Thanks Dad!” over his shoulder, he disappeared out the front door to find his friends.

The Father smiled at his retreating son. He’s going to be a great ball player.

The other son also pulled out a baseball glove from the box in his lap. Like his brother, he displayed great excitement at his new gift. He jumped up and started for the front door to join his brother, then paused, and turned around. He looked at his Father who was watching him with a great smile. 

“Dad—you wanna play some catch?”

His Dad’s smile got even bigger. He replied, “With all my heart.”

This story reminds me of twin truths. Every insight from the scripture is a gift. Every gift from the Father comes with an invitation.

When I approach the scriptures, am I searching for truth? Or am I looking to discover the heart of the one who gave me the scriptures?

I might be tempted to think that to discover God’s truth is to discover his heart about a matter, as if his heart is that I know the truth. But the difference is more than semantics. It is a difference in perspective—my view of both God and the scriptures. 

When I view the scriptures as my destination, I find what I seek and go no further. God spoke long ago and that is enough for me. When I view the scriptures as my invitation, I press in to find the person who spoke. God spoke long ago and I want to meet him now. The scriptures are my invitation to come closer. 

Both views reveal my perceptions about God and my relationship with him. Do I see God pointing an extended finger at his book? Or do I see God crooking a finger at me to come closer? 

You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life. John 5:39-40