
The Lion and the Pit

I awoke to find myself in a pit. It was deep. The top lip was about an arms length above my hand, if I reached upward. I could possibly climb out with some effort, but it would mean I’d have to turn my back to the lion. 

Yes. There was a lion in the pit. He looked hungry, and watched me intently, as if to spring upon me the moment I looked away. He is why I could not climb out of he pit. 

I heard someone call my name from above. Glancing up I saw a man standing atop the edge of my pit. I heard him call my name again, and then, “Come with me.” But my eyes were fixed upon the lion, who growled in response as if to warn me that escape was impossible. 

Suddenly, my view of the lion was blocked. The man had jumped into the pit and his face filled my vision. His back was to the lion. It was Jesus. His eyes were so intense, like fire. The power of his gaze pierced my soul and I was overcome, though I cannot explain how.

“Come with me,” he said, and leapt to the top of the pit. My eyes followed him, and there he was on one knee, extending his hand to me. I glanced back at the growling lion, but no longer felt any fear. Turning back to Jesus, I jumped for his hand and he pulled me out of the pit. 

As we walked away from the pit, Jesus put his arm around me and said, “There’s no time for lions and pits. I’ve so much lined up for us to do. Let’s talk about it as we walk.” 

The pit was my past. The lion was fear. And I walked away from both today.

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