
The Size of a Thimble

One morning I was asking God for more. I want more of you. This was my prayer.

I closed my eyes and focused my affections on him. And I saw myself with a wineskin. Then God’s hands appeared and they were huge, so that my wineskin were as a thimble pinched between his fingers.

“There is no room in here for more of me,” he said.

Another wineskin fell from above, plopping on the ground in front of me. It was huge—the size of a cargo bag you might put atop your car. The hole to fill the wineskin was also huge, so that it took both my arms to encircle it. God filled the container as I watched it expand and swell, until it was the size of a small car. Bewildered about what I was to do with this thing, I voiced my concern: “This is too big! I cannot carry it!”

“Drink”, he said.

So I drank. I soon grew to the size of a giant so that I was able to bear the wineskin. I slung it over my shoulder and went my way. Wherever I went, the contents of my wineskin would bring LIFE—green things sprouted, trees grew, and flowers bloomed. People were filled with LIFE, restored to wholeness in soul and body.

I was filled with joy to see God’s life manifested so abundantly. But after awhile I stopped and spoke my desire, “God, I still want more of you!

God’s hands appeared again, and they were huge. He took the wineskin slung over my shoulder and it appeared as the size of a thimble pinched between his fingers.

“There is no room in here for more of me.” And he gave me a new wineskin. Again, it was huge—too big for me to bear. But this time I smiled in anticipation of what was about to come.