
What’s in the box?

I’ve watched many a person unwrap a Christmas present. Sometimes they look inside the box and declare to those watching, “Oh look, it’s a so-and-so!” They hold up the box for all to see, and then put it atop their growing pile of gifts.

I’ve seen other people open their Christmas box and eagerly reach into it, pulling out the thing inside. They touch it, turn it over in their hands, try it on or try it out. 

One person looked for and found information about their gift, and it was enough. The other person wanted more—to touch, to examine, to experience their gift. 

Scriptures are like wrapped presents. There is joy in unwrapping a passage and peeking inside. But am I looking for information? Am I satisfied to add this passage to my growing pile of good theology? Or do I want something more, to experience, to taste and see this thing I’ve discovered?

I am mistaken to think that good theology is the gift. Good theology is my invitation. It is not the end of my search, but the beginning of discovering the unimaginable. 

Dad, I want to experience you in person. I am not satisfied to read about you, or hear testimonies about you. I want to be there with you myself. To hear you talk about what’s on your heart. To touch the light of your nearness. To taste your holiness. To breath in your presence. I want the smells of heaven to linger on me as I walk about the earth.

I want this more than you.

And a whisper from Holy Spirit, you have no idea how much.